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Tag: PS5

  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth first impressions

    Let it not be said that Square Enix doesn’t make a good demo. I played it for nearly 3 hours when most estimates place it at closer to 1-2 and I have no idea HOW, but it certainly wasn’t by watching the cutscenes and I’m sorry, but if you’e skipping the cutscenes on a first…

  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth fall/winter infodump analysis

    To take my mind off everything else, a bit of me doing fan analysis here. Okay, to get some gushing out before the rest: OMG, RED, I CAN’T WAIT! CAIT SITH AND HIS CUTE LITTLE TEEFS! KUJATAAAAA! *DEEP BREATH* Okay, let’s get into this. What we know The release date is in February, so basically…

  • Backbone One – PlayStation Edition for Android

    So, Sony has finally done what I’d hoped for ages ago and released a controller to make use of their library in some regard. One with the Backbone pedigree, which of course is most famous for its iPhone usage, where the Kishi had been given room to thrive on Android, which I’ll be spending a…

  • How to set up the PlayStation VR 2

    This handy guide will walk you through setting up the PSVR2 the way I did it. It is reflective of my experience only, but may be useful to a wider audience. (And yes, this is really what happened.) Getting started: Open the PSVR2 outer packaging. Attempt to open the inner packaging. Try to carefully remove…

  • The Legend of Dragoon (PS4)

    It feels odd to be writing this, but not TOO odd, after writing about how a remake isn’t happening. In a way, I think it’s appropriate. First off because it’s not a remake, but second of all because it’s a good way to test the waters for whether there’s enough interest for there to eventually…

  • Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection

    This is really going to be a "first impressions," but let’s get the obvious out of the way: the question here is not whether the games themselves are good, but whether this is a worthy effort to bring them to modern systems. I’ll also touch on the games themselves a bit, because there are a…

  • Modular systems

    So rumors are milling about Sony coming out with a new slimline PS5 unit with a Blu-ray drive peripheral and the gaming press at least seems to be on board with the idea. I’m right there with them. Modularity in tech is a good thing. I know Sega got a ton of flak for the…

  • PlayStation 5, first impressions

    I almost considered doing an unboxing video, but I figured there were probably plenty of those that were far more interesting than anything I could do. Plus it came really late and I still don’t have a better spot than my greenhouse, so I just wanted to set it up. The first thing you’ll notice…

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