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Tag: PS1

  • Legend of Mana’s “Ring Ring Land” minigame guide

    Ring Ring Land is a portable minigame for Legend of Mana playable on the Sony PocketStation™. Its initial release was exclusive to Japan, though the game itself exists on the disc of other releases, only with the code in Legend of Mana that handled interfacing with it removed. It’s a "new" feature of the Legend…

  • The Legend of Dragoon (PS4)

    It feels odd to be writing this, but not TOO odd, after writing about how a remake isn’t happening. In a way, I think it’s appropriate. First off because it’s not a remake, but second of all because it’s a good way to test the waters for whether there’s enough interest for there to eventually…

  • The Legend of Dragoon best character uses

    Okay, at this point we all know we’re not getting a remake of The Legend of Dragoon. Sorry, not sorry, it’s not happening. I’d like it, the rest of the fanbase would like it, but it’s not financially viable and Sony has been furtively exiting the back doors in blonde wigs for decades trying to…

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