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Tag: FF7

  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth first impressions

    Let it not be said that Square Enix doesn’t make a good demo. I played it for nearly 3 hours when most estimates place it at closer to 1-2 and I have no idea HOW, but it certainly wasn’t by watching the cutscenes and I’m sorry, but if you’e skipping the cutscenes on a first…

  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth fall/winter infodump analysis

    To take my mind off everything else, a bit of me doing fan analysis here. Okay, to get some gushing out before the rest: OMG, RED, I CAN’T WAIT! CAIT SITH AND HIS CUTE LITTLE TEEFS! KUJATAAAAA! *DEEP BREATH* Okay, let’s get into this. What we know The release date is in February, so basically…

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