Analog Computing: The Next Tech Bubble?
This came up on my YouTube rec’s and there’s a text article to go with it, and of course from there, I got other stuff on the topic, because the algorithm is a merciless thing. To set this straight, there are reasons this looks like the beginnings of the next bubble: The idea a company…
Computers: work smarter, not smaller
If you haven’t heard the news, computers are facing the end of Moore’s law, which was a prediction of how computers would get more powerful over time that held up nicely until now. The reason for this is because it’s now impossible to make them any smaller. There’s a reason for that. Our friend, Silicon…
Color in computing
I talked quite a bit about this in my Mega Man Battle Network review, but computers have fallen into a two-dimensional cave for quite a while now and people are slowly expressing that they’re pretty much done with that. At the same time, games have become more colorful again after years of being gray and…