Sequels and Remasters: sucking the marrow from your bones
Something others have said, but might be worth a take on, is that sequels and remakes are what the industry does when it doesn’t know what else to do. Remasters especially epitomize this, seeing as you essentially have the game already. But if you’re wondering why, the answer is very simple: because pencil-pushers only know…
Web3 is dead
Don’t let the door hit ya where the dog should’ve bit ya. Yes, Web3 is more or less over and nothing of value was lost. People are barely talking about it anymore except in derision because all of it was a solution looking for a problem. The Metaverse, as I noted in my review of…
Mobile site update – technical debt repaid
After dedicating my lunch hour to screaming at the mess Past Me left, the mobile site has been brought into parity with the desktop site! There will still be work needed if any pages are restored, but that’s a problem for Future Me! It should be somewhat easier to deal with now regardless. Please enjoy…
A parrot page/accessibility update
The desktop site has been updated to make way for future announced projects. As much as I love my games, not all of them get much attention, but rather than remove them like The Power of Commands, I’ve moved everything (including The Power of Commands) into a page where they can continue to receive guilt…
How to set up the PlayStation VR 2
This handy guide will walk you through setting up the PSVR2 the way I did it. It is reflective of my experience only, but may be useful to a wider audience. (And yes, this is really what happened.) Getting started: Open the PSVR2 outer packaging. Attempt to open the inner packaging. Try to carefully remove…
Me and my (fake) landline
I posted a link to this cute Yahoo! story a while back on Mastodon about a small child who basically reinvented the landline. And for what it is, it’s a cute story, but you know a funny thing about small children and their silly ideas? You’re not going to compete with them on creativity. As…
The Legend of Dragoon (PS4)
It feels odd to be writing this, but not TOO odd, after writing about how a remake isn’t happening. In a way, I think it’s appropriate. First off because it’s not a remake, but second of all because it’s a good way to test the waters for whether there’s enough interest for there to eventually…
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection
This is really going to be a "first impressions," but let’s get the obvious out of the way: the question here is not whether the games themselves are good, but whether this is a worthy effort to bring them to modern systems. I’ll also touch on the games themselves a bit, because there are a…
Warriors of Virtue objective retrospective
At some point I swear I started writing this, but I can’t find it for the life of me. I feel like putting this to my Objective Review System would be a good alternative to something more free-form, but I do admit a little hesitance. Regardless, this is a May 1997 movie that one would…
Robotic Entertainment: The End of an Era
In case you weren’t aware, Chuck E. Cheese’s is phasing out the remainder of their robotic performers. By the end of this year (2023), all stages will be ripped out, all bots completely destroyed beyond recognition per corporate policy. It’s taken a long time to reach this point and the story of how we got…